Hope you are doing well and keeping busy during this time. Be safe everyone. Now on to the second three question interview with a cover model!
I met Len about 8 years ago in Kansas City, we hit it off right away. I love his easy-going, down to earth attitude. Here's what he had to say to my questions.
#1 What are you doing to keep busy during this pandemic?
Answer: well besides going from scrambling to find gym equipment to survive, I’ve gone back to my roots and have been doing all the physical labor for my lawn irrigation company. Great way to stay in shape, great opportunity to maintain a normal schedule, and making people happy fixing things. Not sure if there’s been any “Hildie’s” taking pictures of me working in the yard

#2 How many people are you self-isolating with?
Answer: I have been all alone! My son took off to his mothers a month ago because I had a bronchial infection. I didn’t want to risk getting him sick. He decided to stay there for now. I’ve only seen him a handful of times since; most importantly on his 18th birthday March 20th.
#3 Do you have any big plans for after the quarantine is lifted?
Answer: honestly, other than having the freedom to give big hugs, I am planning on taking a cruise in the winter assuming all is safe at that point. To feel a sense of freedom will be great.
My IG, Twitter, and Facebook page are all the same- lengunnmodel