Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Cover Model Tag! Tyson Silva

Hey Everyone!

Starting today, I will be featuring a different cover model's video where they will answer some very in-depth questions!

Just kidding.  This is going to be a fun regular post.   Today I'm excited to host Tyson Silva and introduce this awesome man to y'all.

I met Tyson though a friend, Charles Paz, who I hope to feature later. Tyson is the handsome hero in all four of my Ford's of Nashville books and a genuinely awesome guy.

Make sure you check Tyson out on Facebook.  If you have any questions please leave in comment section down below!

Authors he is available for covers, so make sure to drop a note if you're interested!



Favorite Non alcoholic beverage.
Boxers, Briefs or Commando?
They say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach.  What would someone make that would get your motor running?
Beachside cottage or Mountain cabin?
First thing you notice about someone you find attractive?

Bonus Question.  When was the last time you cried?

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